get involved!

there are many ways to get involved!

join us!

Who can join?

Anyone can join Friends of Lakewood Elementary PTA!!!

Friends of Lakewood Elementary PTA accepts any parents, teachers, or community members who are dedicated to helping the Lakewood Elementary community. 

How can I Join?

Online with a Credit Card

Visit our Memberhub Dues Payment Page and pay with credit card. 

This is by far the easiest option for us because all dues are automatically dispersed to the state PTA and all registration information is handled through the official website at the same time.

No Credit Card Online Form

Complete the form below and then either:

1.  Submit your $6 via PayPal (you'll receive an electronic receipt)


2. Give your $6 dues and information to any of the PTA Officers.

Join the Friends of Lakewood Elementary PTA! / Sea Miembro del PTA de Lakewood

volunteer with us!

¡voluntarios con nosotros!

Calling all parents, guardians and community members! 

we need volunteers like you to help us!

To sign up for a committee role or volunteer opportunity, please contact

Volunteer for a PTA Committee:

Fundraising - Plan and organize fundraising activities

Teacher Appreciation - Stock the teacher and staff snack cart, and write letters of appreciation throughout the year

Communications/Advocacy - Organize communications and outreach to the school community

Meetings & PTA Events - Organize and communicate about PTA meetings and events - includes organizing food, childcare, and interpretation for meetings

Nominating - Identify individuals to serve as officers of the PTA

School Improvement Team - Attend the SIT meetings as a parent/family representative

¡Llamando a todos los padres, tutores y miembros de la comunidad! 

Para inscribirse para un puesto de comité o una oportunidad de voluntariado envíe un correo electrónico a 

Los comités son los siguientes:

Recaudación de fondos - planifica y organiza actividades de recaudación de fondos.

Agradecimiento a los maestros - abasteca el carrito de refrigerios para maestros y personal y escriba cartas de agradecimiento durante todo el año.

Comunicación / Abogacía - Organizar comunicaciones y alcance a la comunidad escolar.

Reuniones y eventos de la PTA - organizar y comunicar sobre reuniones y eventos de la PTA; incluye organización de alimentos, cuidado de niños e interpretación para las reuniones.

Nominación - Identificar a las personas que se desempeñarán como funcionarios de la PTA

Equipo de Mejoramiento escolar - Asista a las reuniones de SIT como representante de padres / familias


email :


Friends of Lakewood Elementary PTA: Officers & Committee Jobs 2024-2025

Officers (2024-2025)

attend monthly board meetings (zoom) and quarterly general PTA meetings (in-person)


Becca Moussa

8 hrs/month

Vice President(s)

Tony Macias & Cliff Dyer

4 hrs/month


Indira Hayes

2 hrs/month


Jessie Braverman

8 hrs/month

Fundraising Committee 

attend monthly board meetings and quarterly general PTA meetings

Fundraising Co-Chairs (2)

1 - Katie Tosh

2 - Dara Silver

10 hrs/month

Dine Out Coordinator

Maria Bradshaw

2 hrs/month

Spring Auction Outreach Coordinators (4)



3 - OPEN

4 - OPEN

4 hrs/month in Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr

Marketing & Communications Chair


5 hrs/month

Teacher Appreciation Co-Chairs (2)

Jayme Dyer

Meg Bostain

5 hrs/month

Committee Members 

attend quarterly general PTA meetings

Bulldog Block Party Planners (2)



10 hrs/month in Feb, Mar, Apr

Crayons to Calculators Coordinator

Amy Pait

X hrs/month

Classroom Parents

2 per classroom

At-Large Members

attend monthly board meetings and quarterly general PTA meetings

At-Large Members (3)

1 - Gina Arnone

2 - Beth Cranford

3 - Shereese Daniels

4 hrs/month

School Staff

attend monthly board meetings and quarterly general PTA meetings


Jeri Jackson

Assistant Principal

Nan Lujan

Community Coordinator

Charryse Fredrick

Teacher Representative


2 hrs/month


President (1 person)

The president is the main point of contact for the PTA. They also preside over all official meetings, and are co-signatory on all checks, along with the Treasurer.


Vice President(s) (1-2 people)

They can also help other chairs with fulfilling their commitments, as well as manage PTA projects that are not handled by a PTA chair; but this is optional.


Secretary (1 person)

Are you a quick note taker and good at keeping documents organized? Put your skills to use for the PTA!

Treasurer (1 person)

The perfect job for anyone who has ever managed a budget! The treasurer plans, maintains, and communicates the status of the budget. The treasurer is also a co-signatory on all PTA checks, along with the President.

Fundraising Co-Chairs (2 people)

Are you a skilled writer with great attention to detail and organization? The PTA needs your skills to secure funds for all our great programs!

Dine Out Coordinator (1 person)

Help us maintain partnerships with local restaurants for fundraising nights!

Spring Auction Outreach Coordinators (4 people)

Are you efficient with emails, detail-oriented, and good at establishing business relationships? We need you!

Bulldog Block Party Planners (2)

Do you love event planning? Are you skilled at planning logistics and organizing people? Looking for a fun and short-term way to help out your school community? This is it! 

Marketing & Communications (1 person)

Do you love graphic design? Savvy at social media? This is the job for you!

Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Organizer (1 person)

Twice per year, the PTA buys gift cards and writes thank you cards for Lakewood teachers and staff.

Teacher & Staff Snack Organizer (1 person)

Every week, volunteers buy and bring snacks to stock the teacher and staff lounge.

Crayons to Calculators Volunteer Coordinator (1 person)

Four times per year, Crayons 2 Calculators provides free school supplies on request to Lakewood teachers. Volunteers pack supplies based on individual teacher requests at the Crayons 2 Calculators facility in East Durham.

At-Large Members (3 people)

At-Large Members have typically already served at least one term as an officer and are remaining on the board to train and assist incoming officers.

Teacher Representative (1 person)

Represent the perspective of teachers to the PTA, and help get PTA messages out to the school community.!

Classroom Parent (2 per class)

Work with the PTA to disseminate important information to your child's class