about the PTA

Who we are & What we do

Who We Are / Quienes somos

The Friends of Lakewood Elementary Parent Teacher Association is a volunteer, non-profit organization of parents, teachers, and friends of the school dedicated to creating an exceptional learning environment for our students, teachers, staff, and families in and out of school. We work with the Lakewood Elementary School community of Durham, North Carolina to identify needs, and create and support programs which address those needs.

Programs we fund and run at Lakewood Elementary

When We Meet / Cuando nos encontramos 

We meet throughout the year to discuss and vote on priorities. 

Nos reunimos durante todo el año para votar sobre las prioridades. 

Where We Meet / Donde nos vemos 

We typically hold full PTA meetings at the school. Board meetings may be at the school or at a member’s house. 

Generalmente celebramos reuniones completas de la PTA en la escuela. Las reuniones de la Junta pueden ser en la escuela o en la casa de un miembro. 

Why Join / Por qué unirse 

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of our students, teachers, staff, and families? You can help decide our priorities for the school! The more help we have, the more we can accomplish! 

¡Usted puede ayudar a decidir nuestras prioridades para la escuela! ¡Cuanto más ayuda tengamos, más podremos lograr! 

contact us! 

General, Volunteer, & Membership Inquiries: president@lakewoodelementary.org

Fundraising Inquiries: fundraising@lakewoodelementary.org

(haga clic en el enlace o vaya a la página de reuniones)

Mission of the National PTA and the NCPTA:

a. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship; 

b. To raise the standards of home life;

c. To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth;

d. To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth; 

e. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.