Nominations Committee
Join the Nominations Committee
A Nominating Committee is a PTA’s most important committee as it helps ensure our future. Bylaws define how and when this committee is elected and when it reports the slate of candidates. Board service is not an entitlement. Who is on the board and who serves as an officer are very important. Nominating Committees must be deliberate and selective as they vet and choose candidates. This committee nominates and presents a slate of officers at the May General Meeting for the following school year.
Elect own chairperson at first meeting in November. Nominations Chair is a member of FoLE PTA Board of Directors, agreeing to attend board meetings and update the board on activities, issues or concerns.
Meet as a group to identify individuals to fill the roles of the executive committee
Maintain a spreadsheet with contact information for volunteers willing to serve
Contact individuals to determine their willingness to serve in the nominated role
Present a slate of officers at the May PTA General Meeting
Assist with the vote for the slate of candidates at the May General Meeting.
FoLE Nominations Committee Specifications
Comprised of an odd number and no fewer than 3 members; at least one parent, one teacher, and one board member. Elected by November 1 by FoLE Board of Directors
Neither the president nor the principal can serve on the nominating committee
Throughout the year, nominating committee is tasked with identifying talented, motivated and responsible individuals to serve as PTA officers
Nominating committee nominates only one person for each office (President, VPs, Treasurer and Secretary); they do not nominate persons for chairs or members of committees
President gives notice of the election to general membership at least 10 days before the last general membership meeting and must include the slate of nominees
Board Positions
Vice President